The zig-zag rooflines and postcard colours of beach huts have become a much-captured photographic icon. However, far less has been explored of the Beach hut community – the ‘Hutters’ – their owners and regular visitors. Could I break a little new ground and a few rules?
So began a series of Hutter conversations – me often sitting cross-legged on the beach, camera in lap. I expected British reserve. The coming seasons were far more animated. Some Hutters shared humour. Others shouted frustration at personal circumstances. Many gave energetic, natural expression with hands, face and body. I hope their diverse interests and gestures make you pause to wonder what is actually taking place and being said.
Thank you to all of the Hut community who let me take their pictures. If you would like to obtain a copy of Beach Hut People published in 2021, please contact me using the Contact menu.